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PDF Crochet Lilo and Stitch Amigurumi Free Pattern

PDF Crochet Stitch Amigurumi Free Pattern (4)

Friends, you must have heard of Lilo and Stitch. If you haven’t heard of it, you can learn it from your children. Today we will crochet the Stitch character. A very cute and beautiful looking amigurumi. When you complete it, it will have a size of about 10 12 cm. I think the most decisive thing here is the colors preferred when making amigurumi. Very vivid and realistic colors are preferred. This makes the amigurumi look very cute.

The pieces are crocheted differently from each other and then joined together. I think this kind of amigurumis is much easier. It’s actually pretty easy in crochet Stitch amigurumi. I will continue to share doll amigurumi patterns. Our free amigurumi pattern for today is Stitch! He is a fictional character, although he looks basically like a koala. Now let’s crochet the Stitch amigurumi step by step.

Crochet Lilo and Stitch PDF Amigurumi Free Pattern

Designer: tas.likemama


– Cotton yarn blue, blue, pink and black
– Hook 2.5 mm.
– Felt for eyes black and white
– Toy filler, wide-eye needle, scissors.


MR: Amigurumi Magic ring
sc : Single Crochet
inc : Increase
dec : Decrease
trc : Triple Crochet/ Treble Crochet
st: Stitch
dc : Double Crochet
hdc: Half Double Crochet
slst : Slip Stitch
ch : Chain
..in : make increase into same stitch as many as the number which is given in front of “inc” abbreviation (exp; 3inc, 4inc..).
FLO : Crochet into front loops only
BLO : Crochet into back loops only

PDF Crochet Stitch Amigurumi Free Pattern (2)


1) 6sc in the amigurumi ring(6)
2) (inc)х6 (12)
3) (inc, sc)x6 (18)
4) (inc, 2sc)x6 (24)
5) (inc, 3sc)x6 (30)
6) (inc, 4sc)x6 (36)
7) 36sc
8-10) change to light blue 11sc, change to blue 25sc (3 row)
11) change to light blue (dec, 4sc)х2, change to blue (dec, 4sc)х4
12) change to light blue (dec, 3sc)х2, change to blue (dec, 3sc)х4
13) change to light blue (dec, 2sc)х2, change to blue (dec, 2sc)х4
14) change to light blue (dec, sc)х2, change to blue (dec, sc)х4

Legs (2pcs):

1) 6sc in the amigurumi ring(6)
2) (inc)x6 (12)
3) (inc, sc)x6 (18)
4) behind the inner side 18sc
5-12) 18sc (8 rows)
13) (dec, sc) (12)

Feet (2pcs):

Do not fill
1) 6sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2) (inc)x6 (12)
3-8) 12sc (6 rows)
9) (dec)x6


We start in blue
1) 6sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2) (inc)x6 (12)
3) (inc, sc)x6 (18)
4) (inc, 2sc)x6 (24)
5) (inc, 3sc)x6 (30)
6) (inc, 4sc)x6 (36)
7) (inc, 5sc)x6 (42)
8-14) 42sc (7 rows)
Change the color to light blue
15) 42sc
16) (dec, 4sc)х7 (35)
17) (dec, 3sc)х7 (28)
18) (dec, 2sc)х7 (21)
19) (dec, sc)х7 (14)

Ears (2pcs pink and 2pcs blue):

1) 8ch, unfold the crocheting from 7 sts, crochet 6sc, in the first stitch 3sc, unfold the crocheting and crochet 6 sc, in the last stitch 3sc.
2) inc, 5sc, inc, sc, inc, 6sc, inc, sc, inc
3) sc, inc, 6sc, inc, sc, inc, 7sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, 8sc.
We put together one blue and one pink and crochet together 2sc in one loop.


1) 6sc in the amigurumi ring (6)
2-4) 6sc (3 row)
We cut out the eyes from felt, glue the gun to the glue or sew on. We embroider the nose and claws. Ready!

PDF Crochet Stitch Amigurumi Free Pattern (1)

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